Political Science-[FPSC-U.S A. CSS]-(USA) Political Science Pakistan Constitution Set-Political Science Al-(USA) Political Science Liberalism Set-USA) Political Science Nature Theories and State Function Set-USA Political Science U.S.S.R Constitution Set-(USA) Political Science Democracy Set-Political Science England Constitution Set-(USA) Political Science Parliamentary and Presidential Systems Set-(USA) Political Science International Relations and World Organizations Set-(USA) Political Science Electorate and Representation Set/2 Sample Test,Sample questions

  Communal Representation means:

1. Representation on the basis of ideology

2.Representation on the basis of cast

3.Representation on the basis of religion

4. Representation on the basis of profession

  Four members are to be elected from a multimember constituency having an electorate of 30325. The total number of valid votes cast during the polling is 20220. The quota required for the election of a candidate according to the Hare Plan would be:





  Functional Representation means:

1.Representation of government functionaries

2. Representation on vocational basis

3.The functions of the representatives are well defined

4.The representatives are free to function as they like

  Joint Electorate is a system in which:

1.Seats are reserved for various condidate is returned unopposed interests

2.There is no reservation of seats for of candidates may contest but only anyone

3.Elections are held simulaneously for the central and state legislatures

4.None of the above

  One of the chief merits of single member constituencies is:

1. People have a very limited choice in the selection of their representatives

2.Intimate relationship is possible between the electors and the representative

3.Local interests are given precedence over national interests

4.Minority may get over representation

  The Limited vote Plan which is a scheme for minority representation entitles each voter to cast

1.Only one vote

2.As many votes as there are candidates to be elected

3.One vote less than the seats to be filled up

4.Cast all his votes in favour of any single candidate

  The Quota under the Hare Scheme is determined by:

1.Dividing the total number of votes by two

2.Dividing the total number of valid polled votes by the number of seats to be filled up plus one and by adding one to the quotient

3.The number of votes in fixed by law before the election is held

4.The number of votes is decided by all the contesting candidates before the election

  Under the List System the list of the contesting candidates is prepared by:

1.Each political party

2.The voters

3.The Election Commissioner

4.Mutual consent of the political parties contesting elections

  Universal Adult Franchise implies a right to vote to all:

1.Residents of the state

2.Adult residents of the state

3.Adult citizens of the state

4.Adult male citizens of the state

  Which one of the following was a strong supporter of proportional representation?





 A Multi-member constituency is better than single-member constituency because

1. It provides greater freedom to the people in selecting their representatives

2.It encourages the growth of a number of political parties

3.It is easy for the poor man to contest elections

4. It ensures more stable ministries

 Constituency means:

1.A law according to which the territory is divided into a sumber of units for the purpose of elections

2.The division of the country into electoral areas for the purpose of conducting the elections

3.The areas of the country as defined in the constitution

4.None of the above things

 In which of the following countries the citizens are permitted to exercise their franchise at the age of 18 years




4.All the above

 One of the main defects of the single-member constituencies is:

1.Intimate relationship is not possible between the elector and representative

2. Intimate relations are possible between the electors and the representative

3. Every region gets adequate representation in the Parliament

4.Peoples choice regarding representative is narrowed

 Proportional Representation is a method of representation which:

1.Provides votes to the people keeping in view their property

2.Provides extra votes to the educated people

3. Provides representation to all the political parties

4.Provides representation to each group of party in proportion to its voting strength

 The three important schemes representation of minorities are:

1.Limited vote plan Cumulative Vote Plan and Reservation of Seats

2.Proportional Representation Territorial Representation and Communal Representation

3.Universal Adult Franchise Secret Ballot and Functional Representation

4.None of the above

 Under the List System each voter :

1.Votes for the list as a whole

2.Can pick up candidates from various lists

3.Can indicate candidates in the votes

4.Can prepare his own list from amongst the candidates

 Who pleaded that there should be two Parliaments to deal with the economic and political problems:

1. Henry Webbs

2. G.D.H. Cole

3.J.S. Mill


A sinle-member constituency means:

1.A constituency from which only one candidate contests the election

2.A constituency from which a candidate is returned unopposed

3.A constituency from which a number of candidates may contest but only one member is elected

4.None of the above

Communal representation pre-supposes the existence of:

1.A Joint electorate

2.Separate electorates

3.Reservation of seats

4.There can be both joint as well as separate electorates

Direct election means:

1.People assemble at one place and elect their representatives by voice

2.People can suggest the name of their representative on their own

3.People cannot authorise their

4.The voters directly take part in the election of their representatives

If there be any difference women require it more than men since being physically weaker they are more dependent on law and society for protection. The above statement which makes out a case for grant of franchise to women was made by: 

1.Herbert Spencer




In the List System of voting the voter indicates his:

1.Choice for a candidate

2.Choice for a political party

3. Like or dislike for the ruling party

4.Preferential order among the candidates

In which one of the following countries the women were granted franchise very recently?





Indirect election means:

1.People can participate in election through proxy

2.People elect their representatives through postal ballots

3. People elect the intermediate electors who finally elect their representatives

4.The representatives are elected by the general body of people

Limited Vote Plan is a scheme of:

1.Minority representation

2. Proportional representation

3.Majority rule

4.Free and fair elections

Minority representation means

1.Representation to persons below the age of about hood so that they may be able to protect the interests of the minors

2.Representation to the various minorities present in a state

3.Representation to propertied classes which form a minority of the total community

4. None of the above

Multi-member constituency means: 

1.Constituency from which a number of candidates contest but only one of them is finally elected

2.Constituency from which a number of candidates contest but only two of them are finally elected

3.When several members are elected from the same constituency

4.Nixie of the above

One of the arguments advanced against Women Suffrage is:

1.Menfolk can represent the interests of women better

2.Their participation in the political life would lead to corruption

3.Women are ill-fitted to represent their own interests

4. Women would lose many of their feminine qualities

One of the arguments in favour of women suffrage is:

1.It destroys the feminie qualities

2.Women learn the art of government which proves helpful in the management of family affairs

3.Political alertness leads to better understanding between hunsand and wife

4.Women require greater protection and safeguards

One of the chief merits of functional representation is:

1.It encourages people to think in terms of their class interests

2. It ensures equitable representation to the various professions

3.It promotes national unity

4.It secures representation to various interests and makes the parliament a truly representative body

One of the chief merits of second ballot system is:

1.Poor candidates are deterred from contesting the election

2. There is no scope for corruption

3.It gives satisfaction to people that they are being governed by a representative elected by absolute majority

4.The political parties come to playa dominant role

One of the strong advocates of Functional Representation was:





Really I think that the poorest he that is in England bath a life as the greatest he and therefore truly sir I think it is clear that every man that is to live under a government ought first by his own consent to put himself under the government and I do think that the poorest ram in England is not at all bound in a strict sense to the Government that he bath not had a voice to put himself under. The statement argues for 

1.Rule according to the consent of the governed

2.Rule of the poor

3.Expropriation of the rich

4.Distribution of wealth equally to all

Second Ballot system another method for minority representation implies:

1.Each voter has two votes

2.Voting is held as many times as necessary until a candidate is elected with an absolute majority of votes

3.Voting is held at the most for three times

4.Voting is held twice and in the second voting the contest is held between the two candidates who secure maximum votes in the first voting

Territorial Representation means:

1.Election of representatives on the basis of an area or locality

2.Election of the representatives on the basis of their profession

3.Election of the representatives by various local government institutions

4.Election of representatives who own land

The chief defect of direct election is:

1.It promotes aversion towards public affairs

2. It is not in keeping with democratic principles

3.It has no educative value

4.Representatives are responsive to public opinion

The Cunulative Volting Plan which gives to each voter as many votes as there are seats to be filled up requires the voter

1.To cast all his votes in favour of one

2. Not to cast all his votes in favour of anyone candidate

3.To divide the votes amongst the candidates

4.Give all votes to one candidate or list for which he divides them between two or more candidates according to his choice

The electorate in modem times has virtually become an organ of the government with which of the following writers the above statement is associated





The Limited Vote Plan is defective in so far as it

1.Provides representation to small minorities alone

2.Provides representation to the majorities alone

3.Provides representation to large minorities only

4.Provides no representation to the minorities

The proportional representation seeks to:

1.Secure representation to various groups in the national and local bodies in proportion to their voting strength

2.Ensure direct participation of people in the affairs of the government

3.Ensure right to work to every able bodied citizen

4.Ensure equal division of property among the citizens

The two prominent schemes of proportional representation are:

1.Hare Scheme and List System

2.Universal Adult Franchise and Direct Elections

3.Reservation of Seats and Direct Election

4.Direct Election and Communal Representation

Under single transferable vote system each voter can:

1.Indicate only two preferences

2.Indicate only one preference

3.Indicate one preference less than the seats to be filled up

4.Indicate as many preferences as there are candidates to be elected

Under the Hare Scheme every voter enjoys:

1.One effective role

2.As many votes as there are seas to be filled

3.One vote less than the number of seats to be filled up

4.Only two votes

Under the List system each voter enjoys:

1.Only one vote

2.As many votes as there are seats to be filled up

3.One vote less than total number of seats to be filled up

4.Two votes

Under the List System there are:

1.Single-member constituencies

2.Two member constituencies

3.Nulti-member constituencies

4.None of the above

What is meant by the electorate?

1.The collective world used for areas into which the whole state is divided for purpose of elections

2.The whole body of people who are elected by the people as their representatives to govern the state

3.The various methods of election used to elect representatives

4.The body of citizens who elect those who govern

When the voters take part in the elections of representative bodies themselves and elect the members the system is known as:

1.Representative democracy

2.Direct elections

3.Universal adult suffrage

4. Direct democracy

Which one of the following categories of persons are generally denied franchise?

1.Old men

2.Poor people

3.Illiterate persons


Which one of the following countries was the first to grant franchise to all citizens at the age of 18 years



3.Soviet Union


Which one of the following was in favour of grant of right to vote only to the educated people?

1.Jawaharlal Nehru




Which one of the followings is the most important feature of elections?

1.Elimination of multi-party system

2. Helping citizens maintain their rights

3. Peaceful change of government

4.Removal of bottlenecks in the working of democracy

Who of the following was a great supporter of plural voting?





Who said I regard it as wholly inadmissible that any person should participate in the suffrage without being able to read





Who said It is important that the assembly which votes the taxes either general or local should be elected exclusively by those who pay something towards the taxes imposed.

1. Adam Smith




Who said Voice of the people may be the voice of God? 



3.Thomas Jefferson

4.Sir Henry Maine

Women in England got franchise on equal terms with men in





Women suffrage means:

1.Right to vote granted to all adult married women

2.Right to vote granted to adult married women

3.Right to vote granted to graduate women

4. Right to vote granted to those women who have undergone political suffering


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